Population Protection Websites for 7 Audiences in Cuyahoga County

These sites were created to teach 7 different audiences how to prepare for emergencies. I created the HTML pages and CSS layout in Adobe Dreamweaver, edited photographs that were given to me within Photoshop and created accessible PDFs with Microsoft Word styles and Acrobat Professional. I used PHPFormGenerator to create the course evaluations found on the last page of the training sites. I used JW Player's quick embed method to play back one of the campaign videos on the sites. I modified a JavaScript test I found on Maricopa's educational site for the self-checks within the modules. The online quiz portal was developed by Xiaopeng (David) Ni, a designer within the Center for eLearning. The text/content was created by Bernard Becker, Nancy Meyer-Emercik and Barbara Hanniford within the College of Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University. I designed the site to be visually consistent with the existing Cuyahoga county home page which is found at: http://cuyahogacounty.us.