OSU Department of Radiology's Website

Reference: Robert McKenny, Ph.D. Retired Assistant V.P. of Outreach and Engagement, The Ohio State University, Phone: (614) 247-0090, email: mckenney.1@osu.edu
I recently rebuilt components of this site that were old Flash files, utilizing Adobe Animate, HTML5 and Canvas, H5P and Camtasia Studio for recordings and image sequences. I built this site from the ground up between 2002 and 2006 using Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Premier Pro, Flash Pro, and Maya. The site contains many photos that I shot with various digital cameras as well as photos taken by OSU Medical Center's photographer Jim Brown. I manipulated photos with Photshop to add visual interest. I created interactive elements with Adobe Flash Professional at the time. These recently converted elements include an interactive map of Radiology's locations around Columbus, OH and an interview I captured with their Chief Radiology Resident, who endorsed their program. I frequently wrote news briefs for the News page under their Department Information section.