Tuberculosis and Infection Control Learning Module

References: Linda Wolf, Ph.D., Adjunct Associate Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing, Cleveland State University, email:
I created this learning object on Tuberculosis and Infection Control as part of a Teaching with Innovation grant awarded to professor Linda Wolf within the School of Nursing. The target audience is undergraduate nursing students. The original intent of the site was to present it as a learning object within class, interspersed with questions for active learning. I worked on the budget for the grant. I designed the final interface for the site in Dreamweaver with CSS. I created the animated illustrations and interactivity for the site with Flash Professional. I edited sound for the animations using Adobe Soundbooth and Audition. I converted the movies with Adobe Media Encoder to .flv format and placed on CSU's Flash Streaming Media Server. The blood pressure animations were written and narrated by me. I worked with a CSU videographer who shot the video. The storyboard was written by Dr. Linda Wolf and other nursing faculty. I created the storyboard to go with the blood pressure section.